Interesting Content of the Week — 21/ 8 /2021I have been starting to get more into reading lately to inform myself on areas that I am interested in, and realized that there is just so…Aug 21, 2021Aug 21, 2021
Emotional VomitNearing the end of six months of 2021, and here I am feeling down about where I am.Jun 18, 2021Jun 18, 2021
Reflections 20202020 was one hell of a roller coaster of experiences. I experienced so many ups at the beginning, before everything came crashing down in…Dec 28, 2020Dec 28, 2020
365-Day Journal ChallengeI’m not even gonna try counting the number of days anymore given how inconsistent I am with this. Just feeling inspired to journal and…Feb 21, 2020Feb 21, 2020
365-Day Journal Challenge: Day 88. What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?Jan 24, 2020Jan 24, 2020
365-Day Journal Challenge: Day 77. What does trust mean to you? Is it easy to trust someone?Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
365-Day Journal Challenge: Day 66. What’s your all-time favourite book and why?Jan 17, 2020Jan 17, 2020
365-Day Journal Challenge: Day 55. Are you going to follow through with your bucket list? Why or why not?Jan 11, 2020Jan 11, 2020
365-Day Journal Challenge: Day 4It has been approximately 5 days since school first started, and I really underestimated how packed my schedule was going to be this week…Jan 10, 2020Jan 10, 2020